January 28, 2011

Give Change a Chance

Unfortunately our world is nothing like we would hope it would be. Not Love, Peace, and Understanding rule but instead Greed, Hatred, and Oppression rear their ugly heads everywhere we look.

And although I'm a sceptic who doesn't really expect things to change for the better, watching the current events in North Africa unfold should make us all hopeful that not all is lost: Dictators will fall, the people will have a chance, and hopefully they will not select just another devil as their new leader.

To the policemen and soldiers all around the world I say, do not fight your own people. Refuse to follow the orders of a corrupt and criminal leadership to beat up, torture or kill your brothers and sisters! Be a hero, say no, join the revolution and help make it a peaceful one!

( => click picture to enlarge !)

Tattoo: ::Wicked Tattoos:: - Demonology Tattoo (new MM Prize)

Shirt: BalAni - Military Button Down Shirt SAND LS 1 (not free)

Pants: BalAni - Cargo Shorts Green (not free)

Shoes:  MENstuff Hunt #25 ::Duh!:: (Men's Tassled Loafers - Black) Hunt starts tomorrow!

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